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Submitted By  Meeting Date:Type   _Title___________________________________________  _Department________________  _Submitted For________________
12/14/2021:BOS  2022 Head Start Delegate Agency Contract Renewal  Employment & Human Services Kathy Gallagher
  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with First Baptist Church of Pittsburg, California, in an amount not to exceed $1,160,877 for Head Start Delegate Agency childcare services for the period January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022. (100% Federal)
Cassandra Youngblood 02/12/2019:BOS  Acknowledgement of Emergency Closure of Childcare Sites During Fiscal Year 2018-19   Employment & Human Services Kathy Gallagher
  During FY 2018-19, emergency closures occurred at 22 county-operated and partner-operated childcare sites as noted below. The closures affected 1,346 children in total.
  • November 16, 2018 - Directly operated sites that could not operate due to poor air quality from the wildfires in Butte County: Ambrose, Balboa, Bayo Vista, Crescent Park, Las Deltas, George Miller Concord, George Miller III Richmond, Lavonia Allen, Los Arboles, Los Nogales, Riverview.
  • November 16, 2018 - Partner sites that could not operate due to poor air quality from the wildfires in Butte County: First Baptist - East Leland, First Baptist - Fairgrounds, First Baptist - Kids' Castle, First Baptist - Lone Tree, Little Angels, Live Oaks, Walt Disney, We Care Services for Children, Richmond College Prep.
  • November 9, 15 and 16, 2018 - Richmond College Prep Children's Center (partner-operated) could not operate due to poor air quality from the wild fires in Butte County.
  • November 16, 19, 20 and 21, 2018 - Contra Costa College Children's Center could not operate due to poor air quality from the wildfires in Butte County.
  • November 21, 2018 - Las Deltas Children's Center (directly operated) could not operate due to a water main break.
In order to prevent a loss of funds during this period, the County has the option to submit a Board Order to the State in order to maintain childcare fund reimbursement for the impacted days of closure. This option is allowable per California Department of Education, Child Development Management Bulletin 10-09 "Reduce Days of Operation or Attendance Due to Emergency Conditions."
05/26/2020:BOS  Amend 2019-20 Contract with First Baptist Church of Pittsburg, California for Childcare Services at Fairgrounds and Lone Tree Center  Employment & Human Services Kathy Gallagher
  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with First Baptist Church of Pittsburg, California, effective October 1, 2019 to add 15 full day Head Start slots to the Fairgrounds location and 40 full day Head Start slots to the Lone Tree location and increase the payment limit by $172,296 to new payment limit of $2,196,444 with no change to the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.  (72% State, 28% Federal)
05/26/2020:BOS  Amend 2019-20 Contract with First Baptist Church of Pittsburg, California for State Preschool, Pre-kindergarten Literacy, and General Childcare  Employment & Human Services Kathy Gallagher
  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with First Baptist Church of Pittsburg, California, effective October 1, 2019, to add 15 full-time Head Start slots to the East Leland location and increase the payment limit by $48,905 to new payment limit of $1,905,975 with no change to the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. (81% State, 19% Federal)
Daphne Wakefield 02/02/2021:BOS  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE a lease amendment with First Baptist Church Head Start Program at 55 Castlewood Drive, Pittsburg.  Public Works Brian M. Balbas
  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a revenue lease amendment with First Baptist Church Head Start on behalf of the Community Services Bureau to extend the term of the lease to June 30, 2021, for continued use of County-owned property located at 55 Castlewood Drive, Pittsburg, as a Head Start facility at an annual rate of $9,000 with nine one-year renewal terms. (100% General Fund)
Lisa Gonzales 01/19/2021:BOS  Contract with First Baptist Church Head Start Delegate Agency  Employment & Human Services Kathy Gallagher
  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with First Baptist Church of Pittsburg, California, in an amount not to exceed $2,293,865 for Head Start Delegate Agency childcare services for the period January 1 through December 31, 2021.
12/08/2020:BOS  First Baptist Church Reimbursement for Provided Services   Employment & Human Services Kathy Gallagher
  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Auditor-Controller, or designee, to pay $153,835.58 to First Baptist Church for services rendered on behalf of Employment and Human Services Department from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020, as recommended by Employment and Human Services Department Director. (100% State) (No County match)
Daphne Wakefield 02/02/2021:BOS  Head Start Operation at 1203 W. 10th Street, Antioch.  Public Works Brian M. Balbas
  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a ground lease with the State of California under which the County will lease the real property located at 1203 W. 10th Street in Antioch from the State through September 30, 2030, and sublease it to First Baptist Church for one year, with nine one-year renewal options, for the operation of a Head Start program at the Site, at an initial annual rate of $45,204 with annual increases thereafter. (100% General Fund)

12/07/2021:BOS  Stipends to Contra Costa County Childcare Partner Agencies per California Assembly Bill 131 (Chapter 116, Statutes of 2021)  Employment & Human Services Kathy Gallagher
The County routinely receives funds from the California Department of Education (CDE) and California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to provide childcare and development services for infant/toddler and preschool children. The County receives the money via the Employment and Human Services Department (EHSD). EHSD contracts with seven child care partner agencies to provide direct childcare and development services for infant/toddler and preschool children.
On July 15, 2021, Assembly Bill 131 (Chapter 116, Statutes of 2021) was passed and signed by Governor Newsom on July 23, 2021. Section 263(b)(1) of that bill states that CDE and CDSS are to provide a flat-rate one-time stipend amount of $600 per child enrolled in state subsidized child care or state preschool program funded through CDE or CDSS. Funds may be used for any allowable expense that would be reimbursable under any existing child development contract to address COVID-19 related costs or to ensure programs are able to remain open or reopen. Use of these funds are subject to audit and will be appropriately tracked by EHSD. Stipend allocation will be distributed to EHSD as a direct payment outside of the child development contract and will not be subject to applicable reporting requirements.

On October 20, 2021, directives from CDSS Child Care Bulletin 21-12 states, “whereas applicable, Contractors [EHSD] must make every effort to distribute stipend payments to child care providers no more than thirty (30) calendar days after the check is received by the contactor.” EHSD received the stipend funds on October 18, 2021. EHSD requests the Board of Supervisors authorize the Auditor-Controller to issue a one-time payment to the following child care partner agencies for services rendered in March 2021:
  • First Baptist Church of Pittsburg, California  $157,200
  • Tiny Toes Preschool and Childcare Center $6,000
  • KinderCare Learning Centers, LLC. $9,600
  • Richmond Elementary School, Inc.  $25,200
  • San Ramon Valley Unified School District $16,800
  • We Care Services for Children $14,400
  • Little Angels Country School, LLC. $15,000

March 2021 enrollment numbers have been verified by EHSD program and fiscal staff.
Cassandra Youngblood 05/11/2021:BOS  Stipends to Contra Costa County childcare providers per CA Assembly Bill 82  Employment & Human Services Kathy Gallagher
  The County routinely receives funds from the California Department of Education (CDE), via the Employment and Human Services Department (EHSD), to provide childcare and development services for infant/toddler and preschool age children. In turn, EHSD contracts with seven child care providers to provide direct childcare and development services for infant/toddler and preschool children.
On February 23, 2021, under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 82, to provide a flat-rate one-time stipend amount of $525 per child enrolled in November 2020 for subsidized childcare or a State Preschool program through CDE. Funds may be used for any allowable expense that would be reimbursable under any existing child development contract to address COVID-19 related costs or to ensure the programs are able to remain open or reopen. In addition, funds may also be expended for minor remodeling, and for upgrading child care facilities to assure that State and local child care standards are met, including applicable health and safety requirements. The fund expenditure is subject to audit, and will be appropriately tracked by Employment and Human Services Department. Stipend funds must be expended by June 30, 2022. Stipend allocation was distributed from the State to EHSD as a direct payment outside of EHSD's child development contract, and will not be subject to the reporting requirements associated with a child development contract.

EHSD must make every effort to distribute stipend funds to the partner agencies within thirty (30) calendar days of April 15, 2021. Thus, the Department requests the board to authorize the Auditor-Controller to issue one-time payments to each of the following service providers in the amounts indicated:
  • Kindercare Mahogany - $7,875
  • First Baptist Church of Pittsburg, CA -  $128,625
  • Tiny Toes - $5,775
  • Richmond College Prep - $9,450
  • San Ramon Valley Unified School District - $12,600
  • We Care Services for Children - $13,125
  • Little Angels Country School LLC -  $10,500
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