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Submitted By  Meeting Date:Type   _Title___________________________________________  _Department________________  _Submitted For________________
Sonia Bustamante 10/25/2022:BOS  Recommendations for the Office of Racial equity and social justice  Board of Supervisors District I John Gioia
  CONSIDER accepting a report and recommendations related to establishing a new County department titled the "Office of Racial equity and social justice" developed through a community planning process, including the structure, staffing, roles and responsibilities and a plan for accountability of the department reflecting priorities developed during the community planning process and provide direction to staff regarding next steps. (Supervisors Gioia and Glover)
Lauren Hull 12/13/2022:BOS  Re-establish the Hiring Outreach Oversight Committee to rename it as the Equity Committee   Clerk of the Board Monica Nino
  RE-NAME the Hiring Outreach Oversight Committee to the Equity Committee and expand its scope to include its existing work plus all work related to the County’s racial justice and social equity efforts, including oversight of the Office of Racial equity and social justice, and the work of the Racial Justice Oversight Body and all Departments’ equity officers.